
PIWG Mission

The Propulsion Instrumentation Working Group (PIWG) was formed in 1995 to address critical turbine engine test cell instrumentation, sensors and measurement technology to keep pace with the needs of turbine engine development. In 2005 PIWG was expanded to include domestic power generation gas turbine engine companies. PIWG encourages commercial sources to develop advanced instrumentation required for test cell instrumentation needed by the gas turbine engine industry and works cooperatively with other working groups in the United States and its parallel European organization, the European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine Instrumentation (EVI-GTI). For additional information on PIWG collaborations, click the link to the left.

PIWG Activities

  • Identifies common sensor and measurement needs and requirements.
  • Developed a common strategy and vision to guide future test and evaluation sensors. Of primary interest are high temperature and hot section measurement sensors and systems.
  • Provides a consensus voice representing the gas turbine test cell instrumentation industry.
  • Offers supply chain vendors, universities and government agencies a vehicle to better understand turbine industry test requirements, define development strategies, and adjust programs to maximize results.
  • Encourages closer ties between gas turbine engine manufacturers, government research laboratories, universities and suppliers focused on instrumentation and sensor research and development.
  • Prioritizes and coordinates gas turbine engine test cell instrumentation research activities in the United States.
  • Promotes advanced technology sensor and instrumentation system development and usage in the interest of improved test component and performance measurements.
  • Holds meetings twice a year to bring visibility to gas turbine engine test instrumentation development and requirements. These meetings are held in the spring and fall each year where the OEM community, academia, government agencies and small business partners are encouraged to participate.
  • Shares technology requirements with vendors to improve instrumentation tools and capabilities that benefit the entire test community.


PIWG is committed to identifying and pursuing funding for instrumentation development efforts. The combined expertise and capabilities of PIWG members is used to expedite solving critical instrumentation and measurement sensor problems.